
Gardner Park Elementary School

  • Inclement Weather Information for Wednesday, February 19

    Because of the impending wintry weather, Wednesday, February 19 will be a remote learning day for students. It will be asynchronous learning, which means students will work at their own pace at home on assignments provided by their teachers. All school events, including athletics, are canceled for Wednesday. 

    Employees may report to work on Wednesday, if they can do so safely. Employees who have questions about work should contact their supervisor.

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  • Apply Now for School Choice

    Attention parents of rising sixth graders.  Our district offers a range of magnet schools and academies specializing in careers, college prep, healthcare, leadership, performing arts, STEAM, and online learning for grades K-12.  Click here to explore our School Choice programs.  The deadline to apply is Friday, March 21 at 5:00 p.m.

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